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What does it look like to buy or sell your home with HomeGrown Realty?


What does it look like to buy or sell your home with HomeGrown Realty?

Our HomeGrown (HG) Mission & Vision
Mission: At Homegrown Realty, our mission is to provide you with an exceptional and personalized real estate experience, fueled by our dynamic team of dedicated professionals who embrace a growth mindset, hustle with passion, prioritize you above all else, and celebrate success together with fun and enthusiasm when we achieve your real estate goals.  

My Personal Mission: At least that’s what my marketing team came up with. To sum it up my mission is to achieve your real estate goals in a seamless manner & to provide as much value as possible.

HG Vision: As we approach 4 years in the business we have a clear vision to provide all things home for our clients from finding the right home for your chapter of life to helping you truly make it your own. HomeGrown continues to thrive to provide the best value in real estate for our clients.

What it Looks Like to Work with HomeGrown

Meet our HomeGrown Team and find out how we provide the best value to our clients during the home journey.

Pre-listing Preparation:

  • Schedule a tour of your home with your agent
  • Discuss any potential repairs, upgrades, or staging to be completed prior to listing
  • HG will line up contractors for you and get you multiple bids
  • Have HG interior designer walk through to give checklists items to sell your home for top dollar
  • Establish an asking price based on the current market & comparable property listings
  • Prepare your home to be photographed & put on the market

Listing Marketing:

  • Coming soon campaign
  • Mass mobile marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Google ad words, SEO, social media marketing, paid ads (if necessary)
  • Customized property fliers
  • Eye catching yard signs
  • Open houses
  • Strategic follow-up with prospective buyers
  • Advertise listing via social media
  • Targeted networking (utilizing realtor connections)
  • Professional photography
  • Virtual tours/Aerial shots
  • Videography

Communication Expectations:

  • I will send a weekly email on Tuesday while the home is on the market updating you with these items
    • # of showings
    • Feedback from agents
    • Views on different platforms
    • What current ads/proactive measures we’re taking
    • What our game plan is moving into the week ahead
    • My personal thoughts/advice for the week
  • Once we have an accepted contract, Rachael (HG Transaction Coordinator) and I will continually update you but you will hear from me at least every Monday on where we are in the process
    • Appraisal update
    • Inspection updates
    • Contingencies outstanding

Want to see how we’re committed to you? CLICK HERE.

The one thing that has stayed true since I was a child is; I’ve always valued real estate & wanted to own it.

Whether this is your goal now or in the future, MY GOAL is to be your go to for all things real estate & home. This includes homes, lifestyle, breweries, wineries, home projects, places to take the family, places to watch the Colts, the neighborhood barber, favorite coffee spots and so much more to help you cultivate roots in our great city of Indianapolis(Britt’s going to be super pumped I used her ‘cultivating’ roots line!).

Be on the lookout for emails keeping you updated on all things home and always feel free to shoot me your favorite new listing or a home project you’re working on! If you love our emails & want to share the value with friends & family send it on to them.